EXPAND your MARKET REACH with strategic

eCommerce seo
Which webshop is considered successful? The one that can steadily drive good quality traffic to their website from month to month and visitors will also buy.
The main goal of ecommerce SEO is not to drive a lot of visitors to the site – as this can also be achieved without visitors buying – but to drive good quality, ready-to-buy traffic there.
Today, almost half (47%) of purchasing decisions are preceded by some form of online research. However, if you are not visible to potential buyers in the online space, you cannot even expect them to buy from your webshop.
Ecommerce SEO is a very complex area of online marketing that if you do well you can enjoy its benefits in the long run.
To get the right traffic to your website that is willing to buy, you need to do a lot of research and setup.
We know it’s not an easy task to search engines optimize a website or webshop, but that’s why Mashup Digital has come alive. To provide professional help where you need it.

Study your target audience
Defining your target audience is one of the key steps in any marketing activity. If you know the people to whom you want to sell your products or services, you can advertise to them much more easily.
Searching for relevant keywords
Once we've examined your target audience, we'll look for keywords that are relevant to you and can drive traffic to your website.
Optimize your website's informational architecture
SEO and information architecture share many of the same goals. One of those shared goals is findability. A well optimized information architecture can help people to find the content they’re looking for, whether they’re outside your website or already using it.
Create unique content for your website
Choosing the right keywords isn't enough to get you a good position in the results list. You need to produce unique content that is useful not only to your visitors but also to search engines.
We make sure that your website is user friendly and attractive
Search engines like to show users websites that are outstanding in terms of user experience. Search engines then take into account parameters such as:
- how easy it is to navigate the page
- how fast it loads,
- whether it is mobile optimized and
- how the design looks.
SEO is about more than just building a lot of keywords into your website. Search engines strive to provide the best experience for users, so they reward sites with good search results that are optimized not only for the right keywords, but also for smooth navigation and shopping processes.
If you want to build your ecommerce SEO strategy professionally, feel free to write to us.