Create emails that REACH THE RIGHT PEOPLE with the RIGHT MESSAGE at the RIGHT MOMENT, without doing the work every time.

At Mashup Digital, we help you get the most out of email automation.


Email marketing and email automation is a digital marketing strategy based on sending emails to actual or potential customers for the purpose of developing customer relationships or encouraging them to make a purchase.

In an age of artificial intelligence, chatbots, and virtual reality, many people mistakenly think that email marketing is a thing of the past. However, this is far from the truth.


Email is still one of the most effective marketing channels today, as it is widely used.

Collecting emails lets you establish and nurture long-term relationships with your customers. A one-on-one conversation in their email inbox is much more personal than a public social media update.

And what is the best thing about email marketing? The fact that it is fully automated.

Email automation takes repetitive tasks off your to-do list to free up your time for other valuable tasks. Email automation is a way to create emails that reach the right people with the right message at the right moment without doing the work every time.

Automatic emails are timely, personalized and relevant to the reader. As a result, they are opened and clicked more often and drive visits and revenue for your business. 

Although email automation is highly effective and has many benefits, a lot of businesses do not take advantage of these marketing strategy, because they do not know how to set up email automation to work effectively.

At Mashup Digital, we help you get the most out of email marketing. If you want professional help, feel free to write to us!

How do we build your automatized email marketing strategy?

Defining your audience

No matter what you sell, you need to have a clear idea of who your audience is. Defining your target audience will help you to send personalized, relevant emails to your target audience to increase their engagement with you.

Creating content strategy

Once we know who we want to write to, we need to clarify what we want to communicate. You want to send emails that effectively communicate with your audience.  We always keep in mind what they signed up for.

Establishing your sending frequency

There is no rule on how often automated emails should be sent to subscribers, but it is worth considering how often you send them. Subscribers can easily get bored of emails sent too often, but after a while it can even become confusing to them. The frequency of emails can be optimized based on different data so your subscribers can receive your messages at the right time.  

Designing your emails

The harmony of the text and the visual world is one of the most important factors if you want to catch the attention of your target audience. A sophisticated design can highlight your newsletter from the crowd.

Measuring your performance

One of the biggest benefits of automated email marketing is that its effectiveness is measurable. We constantly monitor the results of your newsletters and if necessary we make changes based on the measured data for the best results.